Introducing professional cosmetic equipment – spa repair services at HKMED
To contribute and develop in the beauty and beauty industry. HKMED cosmetic equipment affirms its position not only in producing different types of aesthetic with treatment features: aging, fat loss, wrinkle removal, muscle lifting, dermatological diseases … But also focusing on promoting and developing well maintenance policy – cosmetic equipment repair service, professional spa equipment.

Cosmetic equipment HKMED always understands that: “The fact that you have invested a lot of money to own beauty products, or cosmetic / spa equipment from leading countries in the world, you will want the This device will function effectively, serving the needs of your customers. So, repairing cosmetic equipment and ensuring optimal therapeutic efficiency and long-term use value is something that every salon or spa owner is especially interested in ”.
But 100% completely is not possible, because sometimes you have to have problems with cosmetic equipment and need repair and maintenance to operate better. Should the equipment use for many years and improper maintenance; machines can create unexpected problems.
And that is the reason for HKMED to emphasize its service role and want to become a reputable, quality and professional cosmetic equipment maintenance center. Along with a team of highly trained technicians, professional customer care services, we are confident to bring you professional spa machinery repair services, to help spa business owners. solving problems that need to be overcome on all types of machines, technology, equipment related to aesthetics – medical …
The reason HKMED creates cosmetic equipment repair services

– To bring the modern aesthetic industry closer to the Vietnamese market. HKMED constantly researches and learns to gradually develop its experience, not only finding the quintessential aesthetic machines to serve customers, but also finding “cool” things and experiences – new knowledge. to overcome “all conditions” in the field of cosmetic equipment repair – spa.
– Saving money on investment in cosmetic machinery for partners: with problems arising for high-end and expensive cosmetic equipment lines that have been invested by the beauty business owners before. Instead of having to waste money and buy completely new equipment, We – HKMED cosmetic equipment will limit the “wasteful” investment and seek to support customers by replacing new components – saving investment, repair time.
[And of course, in order for their facilities to attract more customers, spa owners should consider buying new equipment if your model is “too old” and the technology is “old”.
– Save time for customers: HKMED prides itself on owning a team of professional technicians, skilled and experienced in the field of repairing aesthetic equipment from high to high school. So customers can be completely assured with the highest repair efficiency, the fastest time and bring the best cosmetic equipment repair service to customers.
Customers use cosmetic equipment repair services at HKMED
Cosmetic Equipment HKMED is proud to be a partner in repairing cosmetic equipment of many beauty salons and major beauty centers in the city. HCMC, the Western region and the Southeast region and most large and small beauty establishments nationwide.
Always ready to meet customer needs on all issues, and provide repair services for cosmetic equipment HKMED to serve customers who do not have time to bring the device to the inspection company, or because The factors of weight and movement do not guarantee the safety of the device.
Along with the reputation that HKMED cosmetic equipment repair service brings, all cosmetic machines after being repaired at HKMED have a maintenance, warranty, and after-sales service.
The line of cosmetic equipment, spa equipment HKMED received repair
- High-tech aesthetic lines for pigmentation treatment
- High-tech aesthetic lines for scar treatment
- The aesthetic lines of hair removal technology
- The aesthetic lines of slimming technology
- The aesthetic lines of lifting technology
- Aesthetic lines of skin care technology
- Basic types of spa equipment
- Medical technology aesthetic lines – beauty – aesthetics
- A long line of aesthetic technology before
- …
Criteria of cosmetic machine repair service at HKMED
HKMED commits: always ready to advise and serve all technical problems with fast, efficient, high quality service to help customers save time to learn.
When using the cosmetic equipment repair service at HKMED, you will:
HKMED will put prestige first – so we’ll understand your equipment’s problem well, before making any repairs.
No matter what happens in the cooperation process: HKMED always keeps a dedicated, cultural and professional service attitude.
HKMED always assures customers with reasonable repair costs, good prices, suitable for the market, and genuine quality of components.
Peace of mind about after-sales policy, maintenance, warranty, maintenance after using cosmetic equipment repair services at HKMED
Cosmetic equipment repair process at HKMED

* Note: In the process of using cosmetic equipment repair service at HKMED, this process may vary depending on customer status and other objective factors.
- Commitment when using cosmetic equipment repair services at HKMED
- All spare parts and repairs at HKMED are genuine, certified quality and suitable for the machine.
- Prices are in accordance with the field value, without price difference, wrong price …
- The team of skilled engineers and technicians at HKMEDA are “doctors” for customers’ machines with many years of experience, good ability to handle damage, promptly and quickly.
- HKMED always has a support team to service cosmetic equipment repair services 24/7.
- In the process of using the service, your benefits are always on top priority.
- Good after-sales, warranty, maintenance and repair professional.
More than 90% of customers affirmed the quality and brand name of spa repair service at HKMED is very good. How about you?
Above is the information about “COSMETIC MACHINE REPAIR SERVICES at HKMED” that we want to send to customers. And if the customer gives us the “TRUST”, HKMED will give you the “Sincerity & Professionalism” to serve you. Hopefully, in the future, we will be partners together: develop together and build a valuable aesthetic community.
In addition to the distribution of spa beauty equipment, HKMED is also a maintenance center for cosmetic equipment, spa. We are ready to assist with all technical and machine repair issues nationwide, with prompt, efficient service and a commitment to high quality hoping to be the top service for the customers’ choice. .

When Spa Equipments have incidents or failures, investors often have difficulty in maintenance and replacement. The process of repairing Spa Equipment not only costs time and costs but also seriously affects the quality of service, disrupting business operations.
The reason you should choose HKMED to repair Spa equipment
Problems with damage, or wear, are inevitable. If machinery works regularly but is not maintained or maintained regularly, the life of the machine will be greatly reduced. Affect the service, interrupt your spa services. If you are willing to invest in a spa with a high cost, why not use a regular solution to machine maintenance at cosmetic equipment maintenance centers, spas?

When problems do arise, the part is not always replaced. Maintenance service will help check and accurately calculate the operating status and the next shelf life to advise the replacement of the most necessary components and supplies. The meaning of maintenance activities is the supply of components in accordance with the design standards through which, creating confidence in a synchronous operating system. Conversely, if you use an improper component, it is only a temporary solution, but over time, it will damage, reduce the life of the machine and cost more.

As a high-tech machinery supplier and distributor, recognizing the importance of machine maintenance, HKMED has established a center dedicated to repairing, maintaining and maintaining spa equipment. High-tech cosmetic machines to assist Spa owners in the process of damage or unexpected mechanical problems at any time.
To resolve the constant worry above, HKMED provides repair services for Spa Equipment: Beauty Machine, Skin Care Machine, Laser Machine. Hair removal machines, nutrient injection machines, muscle lifting machines and many other specialized machines …. Your equipment when delivered to HKMED is always ready to receive. Depending on each damage condition, techniques will offer a remedy to the maximum extent possible.

HKMED always has timely spare parts to help customers, helping customers to quickly fix the errors of the machine. In addition, we will have replacement machines to help customers use in the process of bringing old machines for inspection and repair.
Come to HKMED “Top Spa Repair Service” will help investors feel more secure with fast and effective service quality.
To support the MACHINE REPAIR, please contact 0914.397.339 – 0772.422.270
Address: 155 Truong Vinh Ky, Tan Thanh Ward, Tan Phu District, City. Ho Chi Minh
Call: 0914.397.339 – 0772.422.27 (Zalo)